This website: is the homepage / gathering point for an exciting event coming up in Europe this summer around the commemoration ceremonies for the 75th anniversary of the D-Day invasion of Normandy, France in 1944. From what I’ve heard, over 70 pilots are hoping to bring authentic, WWII-era liaison aircraft to this gathering, which sounds spectacular. If any of our readers are planning on attending, it would be fabulous to hear about the event and see some photos!
This is the first of what we hope will be a long series collecting stories of currently flying L-birds.
Today’s spotlight aircraft is a Piper L-4 being flown in Spain. We found out about it via this stunning image shot by José Luis Celada Euba on Flickr.
According to their website and the photographer the plane is owned by CoppelWings and based at Cuatro Vientos (Madrid, Spain) LECU. It flies regularly with Infante de Orleans Foundation (FIO) and participates in the exhibitions organized by the Foundation, as well as other commemorative celebrations of the Second World War. It apparently operates out of the Aerodrome of Sigüenza at times as well.
According to their research, the aircraft was manufactured in October 1944 in Lockhaven, PA (USA) with the serial number 12965. It was assigned to the 9th Army of General Patton, in the 5th Armored Division, 71 Field Armored Artillery Battalion of the US Army. This aircraft is the only known survivor known from the battalion and is a sister-ship to the original L-4H “Miss Me!?”, a fairly well-known aircraft that starred in the last and most bizarre combat of the Second World War on the European front, when on April 11, 1945, while on an observation flight, a Fieseler “Storch” was encountered. Pilot Merritt Duane Francies and his observer unloaded a Colt pistol at the German plane, which subsequently made a forced landing after which the Cub crew landed and administered first aid to their enemies.
For more information, please visit the Coppel Wings website below!
The Alamo Liaison Squadron in San Antonio, TX has hosted an annual “L-birds” fly-in known as the “Bluebonnet Picnic” for a number of years. It is a fun, family-friendly event showcasing their aircraft and raising funds to maintain them. I have not gotten details on this year’s event, but previous years have often featured flour-bombing and spot landing contests.
This year’s fly-in is scheduled for May 4, 2019 at Cannon Field – 53T and according to there will be a lunch served.
Here is a 2015 story from the Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association (AOPA) on Cannon Field and the Alamo Liaison Squadron:
These days liaison pilots are becoming harder and harder to find. Sadly, we often don’t even know where to look until an obituary is posted.
Here is a sampling of obituaries I’ve found that mention Liaison Pilots. If any family members read this, or people come across this website that knew these pilots, please, please contact us!
If you are looking for liaison reading material, please consider purchasing through our links as it helps us fund this website - more books are listed on our Books page!